
Aitor Devesa Ruiz-Rravo

Working Groups: WG1, WG4
Scientific Expertise: Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: CECAV is a poultry laboratory committed to prevent the entrance of pathogens in the poultry farms and we believe that we can take advantage of the synergies between the two projects, participating in the Working group 1 (WG1): Mapping biosecurity measures applied on farms and transport across Europe (Poultry) and Working group 4 (WG4). Training and dissemination (Poultry).
Motivation: CECAV is an authorised laboratory for Salmonella self-monitoring within the National Salmonella Control Programs, representing almost 30% of the poultry sector in Spain. From the point of view of biosecurity strategies, we are actively involved in the project Netpoulsafe, whose objective is to improve biosecurity compliance throughout the poultry production chain by compiling and validating the main supporting measures around Europe. Within this project, we are not only collaborating with the collection of information about biosecurity measures applied in Spain as well as successful supporting measures and validating new ones in an extensive network of pilot farms, but also, we are the Work Package leaders of the dissemination and communication activities, whose objective is to define and supervise the communication and dissemination strategy of the project results. CECAV we also carry out a service of Biosecurity audits to help farmers to detect risk factors for the entry of pathogens.
Scientific Background: Currently, I am a project veterinarian technician and Network facilitator of Netpoulsafe project, whose objective is to improve biosecurity compliance throughout the poultry production chain by compiling and validating the main supporting measures around Europe. The main tasks I am carrying out in the project, together with my colleague Sandra Sevilla, are to collaborate with the collection of information about biosecurity measures applied in Spain as well as successful supporting measures and validating new ones in an extensive network of pilot farms, but also, to perform dissemination and communication activities of the project results. On the other hand, I am the person responsible from CECAV for carry out a service throughout the Valencian Community of Biosecurity audits to help farmers to detect risk factors for the entry of pathogens into their farms (BIOPON Programme). I have also worked as an official slaughterhouse veterinarian in UK.