Dodovski, Aleksandar

Aleksandar Dodovski

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
North Macedonia
Working Groups: WG1, WG3
Scientific Expertise: Microbiology; Prevention and treatment of infection by pathogens (e.g. vaccination, antibiotics, fungicide); Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: "As a participant in the project National Platform for Improving Biosecurity in Dairy Cattle, I was involved in the assessment of biosecurity of the cattle farms in Macedonia. This was done using assessment survey which was previously validated. Then, analysis of the data was done and the risk factors for introduction and transmission of diseases were identified. I closely collaborate with poultry farms regarding poultry health and production issues. This enabled me to have a close insight of the farm operations and their level of implementation of biosecurity measures. The experience and knowledge gained through aforementioned activities will help me to contribute to the scope of work envisaged under the WG1 and WG3."
Motivation: Reducing the risk of introduction and dissemination of diseases can be done using several approaches. One is implementation of appropriate biosecurity measures. We are living in the era when there is ever increasing pressure from the public to minimize/reduce the usage of antimicrobials or even the approach of "no antibiotics ever". In this regard one of the methods to combat diseases in the animal production systems is becoming and will become more limited in the future. This is where biosecurity steps in. If the farms implement tailored and efficacious biosecurity measures the disease pressure will be reduced together with the usage of antimicrobials. And this is even more important in the presence of antimicrobial resistence. Biosecurity has a pivotal role in generation of a safe animal product. I, as a veterinarian consider that this profession has an important role in the training, evaluation and raising awareness of the biosecurity.
Scientific Background: Member of the National Platform for Improving Biosecurity; participant in the project National Platform for Improving Biosecurity in Dairy Cattle financed by FAO-EuFMD-SEE FAR; Co-author of the Manual for Biosecurity and Biosecuriy Measures in Dairy Cows; Importance and Impact of the Poultry Red Mite (Dermanyssus Gallinae) in Layer Farms - Analysis of Farmersí Perception DOI: 10.2478/macvetrev-2021-0026