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Ana Carvajal

Universidad de LeÛn
Working Groups: WG1, WG3
Scientific Expertise: Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: I have experience in the study of digestive diseases in swine and we are involved nowadays in research projects to reduce the use of antimicrobials in pig production which includes biosecurity evaluation. We have monitored a number of swine farms during the last years. We have also been involved in projects to evaluate the efficacy of commertial disintectans used in swine farms.
Motivation: I am interested to learn as much as possible and also to share my experience in the field of farm biosecurity.
Scientific Background: Member of a research group specialized in the study of digestive infections in pigs focus on the the study of several enteric infections such as swine dysentery, swine salmonellosis, ileitis, infections by swine coronavirus or colibacillosis and addressing different aspects of the digestive pathology of pigs: prevalence / incidence studies, characterization of isolates using different techniques and particularly molecular techniques, characterization of the digestive microbiota, identification and selection of bacteria with probiotic potential, characterization of antimicrobial resistance, development and evaluation of diagnostic techniques, identification of risk factors or evaluation of different control measures.