Saegerman, Claude

Claude Saegerman

WG4 leader
University of Liege
Working Groups: WG3
Scientific Expertise: Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: Member of team-leader - Systematic review of methods in the matter, reading grid to asses methods, survey on use of methods: needs, recommendations and perspectives (e.g. resilience)
Motivation: Highly motivated for the subject, one of the project writers, very involved in the subject:, president of the faculty biosecurity unit of the faculty of veterinary medicine of the University of
Scientific Background: Graduated as doctor in veterinary medicine in 1986, Master of sciences in epidemiology in 1992, PhD in veterinary sciences in 2004, Diplomate of the European College for Veterinary Public Health sinc 2005 - >25 years field experience in biosecuri