Ciaravino, Giovanna

Giovanna Ciaravino

WG2 Co-leader
Univarsitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Working Groups: WG2, WG3
Scientific Expertise: Epidemiology; Databases, data mining, data curation, computational modelling
Contribution: I can contribute with my experience on the application of sociological methodologies to investigate perceptions and attitudes that might influence the implementation of biosecurity measures, and I can support the implementation of methods for risk quantification and evaluations of the effectiveness of biosecurity programmes
Motivation: To participate to this action will be a great chance for sharing knowledge and ideas with colleagues from many different countries in order to find common point of views on biosecurity and its implementation. It might also represents a valuable opportunity for changing the paradigm from "Doing for farmers" to "Doing with farmers"
Scientific Background: I have been working on applied epidemiology to public and animal health since 2006, using quantitative as well as qualitative methodological approaches. Recently, I have been also involved in sociological works on animal health and on veterinary practices