Chantziaras, Ilias

Ilias Chantziaras

Action Vice-Chair
Ghent University
Working Groups: WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4
Scientific Expertise: Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: I plan to participate to the activities of the three first working groups and to assist to the overall managemental tasks that will be involved. With regards to WP1 and WP3, I plan to use both my expertise and my Unit's expertise to best map biosecurity measures on farms and transport across Europe. Especially for WP3, as I was involved early enough in the Biocheck.UGent (a risk-based tool to evaluate the quality of farm biosecurity) I believe I can give useful insights/remarks. During my career, I had the opportunity to lead qualitative research projects. Thus, I have been trained to various qualitative research techniques (e.g. active design, participatory research) and this is expected to be handy when dealing with WP2 activities.
Motivation: My exposure to multidisciplinary projects related to biosecurity, veterinary epidemiology, animal health management and One Health ensures that I become a valuable addition for the needs of this project. I find myself fully aligned with the aim and mission of this cost action and I would be excited to contribute to its success . The Veterinary Epidemiology Unit of Ghent University (led by Prof. Dewulf Jeroen) is a leading team with expertise on farm animal biosecurity involved in numerous national and international projects. As a member of this Unit, I will make my best to promote the exchange of information and innovation within and across the consortium.
Scientific Background: Post doctoral researcher in the Veterinary Epidemiology Unit of the Veterinary Faculty of Ghent University with expertise in antimicrobial resistance, biosecurity and health management . Specialist in veterinary public health (population medicine, ECVPH diplomate). Other areas with demonstrable experience are data management/analysis, risk assessment, one health matters (evaluation of national/EU frameworks, assessment exercises etc.) and feed efficiency .