
Lena-Marie Tamminen

WG3 leader
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Working Groups: WG3, WG4
Scientific Expertise: Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: I will share my experience from evaluating and developing biosecurity measures for VTEC O157, both on farm and from a scientific perspective in combination with epidemiological knowledge to develop evaluation of biosecurity programs in WG3. I also hope that my experience from interdisciplinary projects and working together with people with different specialities will help to provide perspectives and ideas from different disciplines.
Motivation: I find the topic and content of this action very interesting and relevant. A lot of what we know about biosecurity is not new and most things apply to many diseases, however they are still not implemented fully and implementation and mindsets vary across farmers. Understanding the full picture of how and why biosecurity measures are used and how the effectiveness of measures can be measured is an important piece of the puzzle and I would be happy to contribute to solving that. I also look forward to connecting with other scientists across Europe working on the same topic.
Scientific Background: Veterinarian with a PhD in veterinary epidemiology (2020). The topic of the thesis is Transmission of verotoxin-producing E. coli within and on dairy farms with the overall aim to develop biosecurity measures to control the pathogen. My research is focused on applying epidemiological methods in interdisciplinary projects, for example including animal welfare, qualitative interview methods, economics as well as microbiology and molecular methods. I am currently also collaborating with a company with validating identification of mastitis pathogens using artificial intelligence. I am alo course leader and teacher in the course ìVeterinary public health including applied epidemiology and applied epizootiology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciencesî. Precious experience from being part of the management committee in the Cost Action Sound Control where I have also supervised an STSM about mapping available data for modelling freedom of disease in cattle.