
Alexandros Mavrommatis

Agricultural University of Athens
Working Groups: WG3, WG4
Scientific Expertise: Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising, animal welfare
Contribution: "Regarding my willingness to contribute to WG3 “Methods for evaluation of biosecurity and benefits of its implementation”, I am planning to exploit my background in assessing the biosecurity levels of small ruminants farming systems and to adopt the best practices to improve overall systems biosecurity. On the other hand, both my (approx. 3 years) participation experience in the DISARM project, focusing on the dissemination of innovative best practices, and my academic/teaching expertise could contribute to COST knowledge transfer into stakeholders (WG3 Training and dissemination)."
Motivation: "Through the COST action, I will have the opportunity to work again with colleagues from previous projects, brainstorming again for the enhancement of farm biosecurity levels. Additionally, I will be able to expand my network by catching up with other scholars. An important motive for my participation in this consortium is my goal to signify the importance of animal nutrition and nutritional physiology on animals’ health and disease prevention. In general, when animals’ health is concerned, the importance of nutrition is usually overlooked; I will try to highlight to colleagues and stakeholders, that these two terms are firmly linked."
Scientific Background: Although my expertise is related to sustainable animal nutrition and its impact on animal health and product quality, my recent participation in the DISARM project: Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management (HORIZON 2020, funding no. 817591) expanded my research horizons into the biosecurity management, and its application in small ruminants farming systems. In the former project, I was able to understand the effect of precise nutrition as a tool to improve animal health shielding farm biosecurity. Last but not least, early life nutrition and programming are the steppingstones for healthy and disease resilience adult animals.