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Milan Ninkovic

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia
Working Groups: WG1
Scientific Expertise: Veterinary medicine (miscellaneous)
Contribution: I will contribute to the work of the group by sharing my previous knowledge gained through field work and cooperation with colleague´s veterinarians on field. Also, my contribution can be the biosecurity evaluation of facilities for animal housing through my active surveillance of epizootiological area that I am working on. As the transmission of new information and implementation biosecurity measurement to small commercial farms.
Motivation: Participation in this project will bring me a lot of new information related to the field of my intetrest. I will improve my knowledge in the field of biosecurity, animal welfare and transport of animals, which will contribute to my further professional development. I will also make a lot of contacts with colleagues around the world, which will be important for the further advancement of our profession in Republic of Serbia.
Scientific Background: My area of interest is Healthcare of cattle. Currently, I am PhD student and PhD thesis is based on prevention and control respiratory disease of cattle. I participated in the preparation and writing of couple scientific studies related to the current epizootiological situation, supervision and control of particularly dangerous infectious diseases. Attended training related to the control, diagnosis and eradication measures related to Lumpy skin disease. I actively participated in controling and eradication of particularly dangerous infectious diseases in our epizootiological area. Also, I actively participated in the implementation of biosecurity measures in smallholders during collected samples for my PhD thesis.