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Invitation to online workshop on biosecurity and African Swine Fever

Invitation to online workshop on biosecurity and African Swine Fever

Invitation to the national restitution workshop of the project BIG – “Improving biosecurity measures to better control African Swine Fever (ASF) in 4 ASEAN countries”

January 9th 2024 at the Crown Plaza Hotel

Under the lead of ENSV-FVI and in collaboration with CIRAD and IFIP, AVSF is implementing the project BIG aiming at “Improving biosecurity measures to better control African Swine Fever (ASF) in 4 ASEAN countries”. As part of the project, several studies and surveys have been done In Lao PDR and Cambodia and the outcomes of these surveys have been shared and validated at provincial level.

View more info and agenda here.


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